Massage Therapists

 Getting a massage.


Getting massages on a regular basis can play an important role in a person’s overall health.  They are a great way of relieving stress, increasing the immune system and boosting mental health.  The combination of massages, essential oils and electrotherapy can be very effective for relieving pain of fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches, back pain and sports injuries.

The basic unit of life, the cell, exists only because it is held together by energy. The atoms and molecules that make up a cell also exist because their various parts are held by a bond of energy. Essentially, everything in the universe as we understand is energy. Your entire body is made up of “energy fields” or energy centers that form the foundation of your health. The body’s energy centers – meridian, chakras,sefirot, etc. (depending on one’s belief system) – bring vital life energy to every organ in your body. Keeping these energy fields balanced and removing blockages in the flow of energy, plays a major role in determining your body’s health. Balance is a key concept within energy wellness. With the Wellness Pro’s primary benefit of pain relief, your body can move to a state of harmony and energetic balance.  If every day you make sure your energies are not blocked and are flowing freely, your body’s innate healing system will counter virtually everything.  Your body’s wellness reflects the health, clarity, and flow in your energy field. By relieving the pain, your body is able to stabilize and maintain a natural healthy energy flow that helps to create a state of physical and mental wellness.


The WellnessPro® instrument is for wellness.

It does not have any side effects. It is non toxic

and not invasive. It is FDA cleared for a form of

pain relief: acute, chronic or post-operative.

The WellnessPro is in perfect harmony with

the new self-care model of natural health.

Call Diane Brooker at 715-617-8379 or email  with any questions you have.